08 East – The Vine

Loyd & Leila Detlefs – Donors

The vine symbolizes the interconnectedness of the Apostles to Christ; of the believers to the Church. In this small panel, the head of the tree is symbolized with the Chi Rho and crown. The letters X and P are often used as another symbol for Christ. The first two letters of Christ’s name in Greek are X and P. In the Greek alphabet, X equals ‘CH’ (pronounced ‘Kye’ and P equals ‘R’ pronounced ‘Roe’). To either side, we can find the most common symbols for the 12 Apostles, starting with those on the left

  • Keys – Peter’s Keys of Heaven
  • James (the Lesser/son of Alphaeus) – Halberd and square
  • James (the Greater/son of Zebedee) – Scallop shells
  • Jude – Ship
  • Matthew – Tax collection bags
  • Simon – fish and saw

Those on the right include:

  • John – Serpent in a chalice
  • Andrew – St. Andrew’s cross
  • Philip – Cross and two loaves of bread
  • Bartholomew – Three knives
  • Simon – Saw
  • Matthias – Hatchet over Bible (Matthias replaced Judas after drawing lots)

See also: 18 West – Grapes; 19 West – Doves and Grapes; 33 West – Grapes.

I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing. —John 15:5