If you weren’t able to get out yesterday, find some time today to get outside the confines of your home and be with God outside, as you are able. In all things, feel free to flex this guide to fit your schedule, unforeseen interruptions, or what the weather is doing outside. Though we try to plan our journeys in life like a group bus tour, pilgrimage offers us the freedom to go at our own pace, to take detours, to stop and enjoy the view, to take a day off if we need.
Today we’ll also put pen to paper or electrons to a hard drive or posts to “the cloud”. One of the practices of pilgrims is documenting their experiences and insights. We’ve only been on this journey for a few days and perhaps it’s been routine, or perhaps you’ve had some insights on your life’s journey. Each Saturday this will be our discipline: we will set aside some time to write and name aloud what our journey has been, is now, and what we feel the future holds. For writing, use whatever you have that convenient and comfortable, whether it’s a blank sheet of paper, a grocery list, a blank Word document, or an online post. How is your journey at this moment?
As we begin to write, begin in prayer:
May I walk this day in the realm of grace, walking with You my feet firmly on your earth-path, my heart loving all as kindred, my words and deeds alive with justice. May I walk as blessing, meeting blessing at every turn in every challenge, blessing, in all opposition, blessing, in harm’s way, blessing. May I walk each step in this moment of grace, alert to hear You and awake enough to say a simple Yes. Amen.
Buen Camino!
Rev. Dr. David Chisham
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