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Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Sunday Theme - Click for Bulletin

This Sunday at First Christian Church

Rev. David Chisham continues his sermon series on hearing God's call with "Fish Tales and Females," this Sunday.

Our Sunday worship is at 10:00 a.m. in the church sanctuary - and livestreamed to our website, Facebook, and YouTube channel. We hope to "see" you there! Check in, and follow the service bulletin, here.

Considering the increased number of cases and positivity in our area, it is important for us to remember our call to care for one another. Please continue to follow social distancing and masking guidelines throughout your day, and particularly in the church campus rooms for Sunday worship or classes. We're all growing weary of this, yet need to respect and support each other in keeping safe!

To join services online, click one of the buttons below for your favorite platform:

Sunday Class for Adults

Dak McInnis begins facilitating the Adult Sunday class with Called - Hearing and Responding to God's Voice, a video study series based on the book by Susan Robb. The class meets both in person in the church library and via Zoom, immediately following the Sunday morning worship service (about 11:15 a.m.).

Thank you …

CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates for children) acknowledged the FCC generous contribution of $1,000, made possible by your donations during our Christmas Outreach program.

The family of Ina Comeaux writes, "...We thank you for the calls, cards, thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. Mom loved her church family and we are forever grateful for you."

Joys and Concerns

(New or updated prayer matters since our last full issue.)
  • The family of Michael Mattison who passed away on Monday
  • Nolan Valenti and Christine Clements, who will be married later this week
  • Presley Hutchinson's daughter, Donita, recently diagnosed with COVID
  • We pray for our nation:
Eternal God, in whose perfect kingdom no sword is drawn but the sword of righteousness, no strength known but the strength of love: So mightily spread abroad your Spirit, that all peoples may be gathered together under the banner of the Prince of Peace, as children of one God and Creator of us all; to whom be dominion and glory, now and forever. Amen.

Join us in a few minutes of prayer at 7:30 pm …

Link to Prayers on our Facebook page
Join us, along with Christians around the world, each evening at 7:30 through Monday, January 25, as we observe the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, with a few minutes of reading and prayer. The video will be available on demand anytime afterward, on our web page, at Facebook, or on our YouTube channel. (You can use the same buttons above to meet us, there!).

In case you missed it –

First Christian Caller - January 12, 2021

First Christian Caller - January 12, 2021

First Christian Caller EXTRA - 6 Jan 2021

First Christian Caller EXTRA - 6 Jan 2021
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