Serve at First Christian

Where Would You Like to Be Involved?

The Church is the Body of Christ. First Christian Church offers many opportunities for fellowship -- opportunities to share worship, study of God's word, and service to others. Jesus challenged his disciples to follow selflessly, sacrifice on behalf of others, love with a depth that knows no end, and to seek to learn more.

To become involved and serve at First Christian Church supports not only your church community, pastors, staff and fellow volunteers, and all those within our reach, but gives you a closer relationship with God and God's world, the opportunity to enjoy the fellowship, concern and support of other members, and can help you discover the deep fulfillment of life truly committed to Jesus Christ. There's a place for you at First Christian Church!

Let us know where we can help you get involved by completing the online form at the bottom of this page, download a paper form here to submit to the office or in the offering plate, or contact the church office by email or phone 225-926-4175 with any questions.

2023 ministry opportunities


You will be part of a rotating schedule to perform the duties necessary in preparation for or during the Sunday morning worship service.

  • Opening Church: Walk around and open church buildings on Sunday morning, and turn on the lights, between 8:45 and 9:15 a.m.
  • Closing Church: Walk around, turn off lights, set alarm, and lock church buildings following the last Sunday service/event, usually between 11:15-11:30 a.m.
  • Children’s Moment: Given the focus for the day, deliver a brief, engaging message to children at the Sunday worship service.
  • Build Video Program: Create the visual presentation for Sunday worship with the graphics and text provided. With remote access, this can be done from your home computer. Instructions and training provided.
  • Liturgist: Lead the Call to Worship and opening prayer (provided).
  • Sound Tech: Operate audio/sound system during the worship service. Training provided.
  • Video Tech: Operate video system at the worship service. Training provided.
  • Streaming Tech: Operate the livestream board during the worship service. Training provided.


  • Blood Drives: Help schedule, coordinate, and promote the semi-annual blood drives held at FCC.
  • Miscellaneous or Emergency Drives: Is logistics your specialty? Stay apprised of local and area needs, and help coordinate us as we gather food, toys, clothing, etc.
  • Southeast Ministries Association: FCC is part of the 15 churches across nine denominations which provide volunteers, Board members, food stuffs, and funding to serve the needy in southeast Baton Rouge. Check this box for more information about how to get involved.


  • Visitor Follow-up: Telephone, send a card, or visit our first-time visitors, inviting them to become involved at FCC — a key factor in church growth!


  • Adult Education/Bible Study: Get involved with our Sunday morning classes; or, develop and lead a midweek Bible study group on a day/time the group determines!
  • Children's Worship & Wonder: One-on-one training is provided for all volunteers, in one session. Two adults
    are needed each Sunday. This group meets on the first Sunday of each month during worship service.

    Greeter: Escort children from the sanctuary to the youth building, welcoming the children as they enter the Worship & Wonder room, and remain with the children for general supervision and assistance.
    Storyteller: Lead the presentation scheduled for the day, and help with song-leading and worship.


  • Work Day: Help schedule, recruit, and/or attend our as-needed work days, addressing general clean-up of the church campus. Date TBD, generally spring and fall.


Help plan and develop goals, events, and activities in the area of your interest or expertise

    • EDUCATION: Review curriculum, facilitate classes, teaching Sunday school, planning and designing educational events, and working with ministry to children and youth.
    • EVANGELISM: Review, suggest, and help maintain our online presence, greet and follow up with visitors, getting out the Good News and implementing efforts to increase attendance.
    • FACILITIES: Review, plan, and schedule maintenance of our campus and property.
    • HOSPITALITY: Planning, organizing, and preparing bereavement meals; when circumstances allow, planning and scheduling fellowship luncheons and other church-wide meals.
    • MISSION & OUTREACH: Coordinate with local missions such as Southeast Ministries, CASA, and short-term mission trips.
    • STEWARDSHIP: Working with church finances and developing stewardship focus for the congregation.
    • WORSHIP: Brainstorm, share, develop, and assist in our Sunday and special worship events.
      Choir: Rehearsals on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. Aaron Turnipseed, director.
      Disaster Response: Work with minister, office, & Board to help provide support to the community before/after a disaster.
      Disaster Recovery: Work with minister, office, & Board to assess campus after a disaster and prepare backup options for various scenarios.
      Security & Safety: Work with minister, office, & Board to assess the safety of our campus and implement
      measures as needed for various scenarios, including peril & medical emergency.

Please contact us if you have any questions!

    Thank you!