Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Gov. John Bel Edwards announced Monday that Louisiana will stay in Phase Two of reopening, as the number of COVID-19 cases and related hospitalizations have started to rise in several regions across the state. The Governor will extend his Phase Two order for another 28 days, keeping in place occupancy limits and other restrictions.

Our current worship schedule will, therefore, remain in place through the month of July: one Sunday service at 10:00 a.m., in church and streamed live, online at as well as on our Facebook page, and YouTube channel .
We appreciate your patience and flexibility as we revise, move, swap, and change worship assignments during this time, and are thankful for those who have stepped up to fill our worship with joy and praise!

If you can take a phone video, we'd like to schedule your reading or prayer offering to include during our services. Just click the button below to let Rev. Chisham know:
Sunday Morning Tech Volunteers Needed

Even as we re-start our worship services in our church sanctuary, we have been given an important ministry to stay connected with those who are remaining at home: We have begun a livestream of our worship services, and we need to recruit some new talent to help run the online production. 

This is a GREAT opportunity for anyone interested in learning about livestream production. To begin with, you don’t need to have specialized skills, just tobe able to follow the service and click a mouse. With training you’ll learn how to create a livestream program from beginning to end. We’ll be using an industry standard app, OBS, for production, so the skills you learn here will transfer to productions you might do in work, school or just for fun! Talk to David if you’re interested.
Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. He did the same with the fish. John 6:11


Now that we're back in church, donated food items may be put in the shopping cart in the church foyer. We'll deliver to SOUTHEAST MINISTRIES on a weekly basis.
Suggested donations include jelly; instant potatoes; Jiffy cornbread mix; macaroni & cheese; crackers; bags of apples, oranges, onion, potatoes; rubbing alcohol or other anti-viral cleaning agents.

The church sanctuary has recently been re-keyed. If you have an old key, still have need to enter the sanctuary when it might be locked, and we've not contacted you about a replacement, please get in touch with Jo in the church office via email or phone: 225-926-4175.
We Remember in Our Prayers…
(New or revised requests received since our most recent regular issue.)
  • Dak McInnis, for full recovery from surgery
  • David Landry, for full recovery from hand surgery
  • Harminger Singh, asked for by Bev & Tip Tipton
Congratulations to …
Elise Madere Lee & Frank Lee on the birth of Alexandra Kathryn, who arrived as a Father's Day present on Sunday, June 21, 2020. Allie measured 18" long, and weighed 6 lbs., 15 oz. Proud grandparents are Carol & Pete Madere.
Ruth Horn will be celebrating her 90th birthday, next Thursday, July 2, 2020. Please share your congratulations and best wishes, with a phone call to Ruth at 225-297-5797, or with a card or note her at 12346 Cardeza Ave., Baton Rouge, LA 70816-8905.