Wednesday, June 10, 2020

We hope you were part of past Sunday's joyful worship, whether with us in the church sanctuary or online! We will continue for the time being with one service each Sunday at 10:00 a.m. in the church sanctuary, and streamed live to our Facebook page, on our YouTube channel, and at our own website. All services and devotionals are available on our website "on demand," anytime after their initial premiere. Please join us where you're most comfortable!

Mary Thompson's Sunday class is meeting in the sanctuary where spacing can be followed, as well as on Zoom, after the 10:00 a.m. Sunday service, so those in person should remain in their seats after the service. Those joining online should open their Zoom invitation after the service, or about 11:05 a.m.

If you have a concern with our current set-up or protocols we can address, please let us know; if you have suggestions, we're interested in those, too. Please keep in touch!


Please continue to be part of our services! If you can take a phone video, we'd like to schedule your reading or prayer offering to share during our services. Just click the button below to let Rev. Chisham know:
Sunday Morning Tech Volunteers Needed

Even as we re-start our worship services in our church sanctuary, we have been given an important ministry to stay connected with those who are remaining at home: We have begun a livestream of our worship services, and we need to recruit some new talent to help run the online production. 

This is a GREAT opportunity for anyone interested in learning about livestream production. To begin with, you don’t need to have specialized skills, just tobe able to follow the service and click a mouse. With training you’ll learn how to create a livestream program from beginning to end. We’ll be using an industry standard app, OBS, for production, so the skills you learn here will transfer to productions you might do in work, school or just for fun! Talk to David if you’re interested.
Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. He did the same with the fish. John 6:11


Now that we're back in church, donated food items may be put in the shopping cart in the church foyer. We'll deliver to SOUTHEAST MINISTRIES on a weekly basis.
Suggested donations include jelly; instant potatoes; Jiffy cornbread mix; macaroni & cheese; crackers; bags of apples, oranges, onion, potatoes; rubbing alcohol or other anti-viral cleaning agents.

THANK YOU, THANK YOU to this week's generous hearts:
The church sanctuary has been re-keyed this week. If you have an old key and we've not contacted you about a replacement, please get in touch with Jo in the church office via email or phone: 225-926-4175.
We Remember in Our Prayers…
(New or revised requests received since our most recent regular issue.)
  • Patricia Cornelius, friend of Pam Jones, in her battle with cancer
  • The Harvey family, neighbors of Helen Rankin, in their loss
Ed. note: Helen Rankin asked that her note, written this past Sunday, be shared with you in this week's newsletter.
Good morning y'all.

I am so thankful that you are able to gather in our Sanctuary this morning. I am only sad that I cannot join you.

I would like to take just a moment to share a few things with you. First off, as you all know, it's been almost two and a half years to the day since I fell and broke my shoulder. It has been a long journey that is about to come to an end. I really have not been willing to have surgery on my shoulder until now. My doctor, who retired last December, had told me the ball at the top of the shoulder was dying and I would have to have shoulder replacement surgery.

He suggested one of the doctors in his office. I went to see him but just did not feel comfortable at all with him. At our last Fellowship Dinner in February,  Greg Taliaferro ask me how I was doing. I was at a very low point and told him the truth of how I was doing. He asked if I was ready for a second opinion, and of course I was. He suggested that I see one of the doctors at his office. I made the appointment. I met with the doctor, and I felt totally and completely comfortable. He had also done shoulder replacement surgery on others in the congregation. They gave him rave reviews. I can see the hand of God working this all out. I have a peace that passes all understanding. I will have surgery Monday afternoon, if the storm does not close the clinic,and will return home on Tuesday.

I would like to thank all of you who have sent cards, called me, and prayed for me over the last 2 and 1/2 years. It means more than I can tell you. I look forward to joining you in worship as as possible. I love you all and pray blessings upon you.
