Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Preparing for our Sunday, June 7, Sanctuary Opening

We are busy in preparation to reopen our sanctuary for worship services with one service each Sunday, beginning Sunday, June 7, 2020, at 10:00 a.m.

We are bumping our usual newsletter back one week, so we can provide the latest details regarding our first Sunday "back," early next week.

At this time, the only two events on Sunday morning will be the 10:00 a.m. worship service, and Mary Thompson's Sunday school class. We know that we will not be able to reopen the nursery or children/youth Sunday school sessions at this time. Coffee Fellowship will not be held, although with proper distancing, we can greet one another in the courtyard following our worship service!

Mary Thompson's Sunday class has decided they will meet in the sanctuary, where spacing can be followed, after the 10:00 a.m. Sunday service, so those attending her class should remain in their seat at the conclusion of services.

We are also fully committed to continued online worship, knowing this will touch not only those of us who need or are choosing not to return to public worship at this time, to many others our online offerings have reached. Our Sunday service is and will remain available on our Facebook page, on our YouTube channel, and at our own website. All services and devotionals are available on our website "on demand," anytime after their initial premiere.

If you have a concern we can address, please let us know; if you have suggestions, we're interested in considering those, too. Please keep in touch!
Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. He did the same with the fish. John 6:11


Donated food items may be delivered to our Fellowship Hall (east, covered entrance) weekly on Wednesdays from 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Members of the Outreach Committee will provide curb-side pickup service -- you won’t even have to get out of your car! Food items will be delivered to SOUTHEAST MINISTRIES on a weekly basis.
Suggested donations include jelly; instant potatoes; Jiffy cornbread mix; macaroni & cheese; crackers; bags of apples, oranges, onion, potatoes; rubbing alcohol or other anti-viral cleaning agents.

THANK YOU, THANK YOU to this week's generous hearts:
Phyllis Willis
Dave Hughes
Jennifer Netterville
Visit for more information and to donate on-line.
Checks can be made out directly to Southeast Ministries and brought to the church in lieu of food items, or mailed to 476 Sharp Road Baton Rouge, LA
70815 - Be sure to mark the check memo field with “First Christian Church.”

Volunteers Needed as New Requests Rise
Visit Volunteers are asked to bring and wear masks when they volunteer. If you do not have a mask, please contact their Volunteer Coordinator at 225-359-9940.
We Remember in Our Prayers…
(New or revised requests received since our most recent regular issue.)
  • Elise Madere Lee, as her due date approaches
2020 Pentecost Offering

In 2001, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) embraced a bold vision: to start 1,000 new churches in 1,000 different ways by the year 2020.
Today, we have welcomed 1,034+ new places of worship into the Church. The Table around which we gather has grown in language, diversity, and life experience.

Courageous leaders have answered the call to grow the denomination through the new church movement. They have reached the under-served, welcomed new neighbors, and created communities of faith. And we, as Disciples, have committed to supporting them.

Support the 2020 Pentecost Offering. Each year, half of this offering stays in your Region to support and sustain new churches. The second half helps leaders across the United States and Canada through New Church Ministry programs.

Make a gift to the 2020 Pentecost Offering online, here, or include your designated offering with your gift to First Christian Church, by check or Bill Pay.