This Sunday, August 22, at First Christian Church
Worship in-person or online at 10:00 a.m.
The Rev. Dr. Michael Elmore will be our guest preacher this Sunday morning. Dr. Elmore is known to many at First Christian Church as he is not only a member here, but previously served as Senior Minister, as well as the Great River Region pastor.
Dr. Elmore will also lead our Commissioning of Search Committee members during this Sunday's service.
We are committed to maintaining our online worship option, livestreamed to our website, Facebook, and YouTube channel. If circumstances mean it is best for you to remain home, we still hope to "see" you, online! Check-in, and follow the service bulletin, here. Submit your prayer requests on the check-in form.
The Governor's mandate of August 2 requires all persons, regardless of vaccination or immunity status, to wear masks indoors unless they are able to strictly follow a six-foot social distancing minimum. This means, please, that you should wear your mask while entering and leaving church, and at least until you are seated within your family group, and keeping six feet or more from other households at all times. The east (Airline) side of the sanctuary is being fully re-zoned as a "mask required" section, and masks should be over your mouth and nose except during communion.
Whether with us in person, or online, know that you are welcome at First Christian Church, and your presence with us is cherished.
Our Sunday class for adults, which usually meets right after the worship service, resumes immediately following the service. We will gather in the sanctuary, so adequate spacing can be maintained.
Next week reminders:
- Monday at 6:00 p.m. - Elders Gathering in the library and via Zoom
- Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. - Disciples Women Fellowship in the Youth building
- Thursday at 6:30 p.m. - Search Committee meeting