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Wednesday, July 21, 2021

2021 0725 Theme Wide

This Sunday at First Christian Church

Rev. Dr. David Chisham continues with Paul's letter to the church in Ephesus, reminding them of the abundant love God has for them.

Our Sunday worship is at 10:00 a.m. in the church sanctuary - and livestreamed to our website, Facebook, and YouTube channel. We hope to "see" you there! Check in, and follow the service bulletin, here.

With increased immunity and vaccination rates in our in-person congregation, we are reducing the area of mask-required zones in the sanctuary. Please follow the signage, considering your own immunity and risk factors in selecting your choice of seating.

To join services online, click one of the buttons below for your favorite platform:
Adult study of the sermon and scripture references is held immediately following the service (about 11:15 a.m.). Gather in the church library or via Zoom.

Farewell Brunch for the Chishams

Sunday, August 8 - immediately following the 10 am service

Please join us in celebration of the eight wonderful years Reverend David Chisham, his wife, Kori, and their daughter, Layne, have served our congregation at FCCBRLA, during our Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler Brunch, on Sunday, August 8, immediately following our worship service.

We ask all members of our congregation to bring their favorite brunch item to share, in the way of breakfast casseroles, finger sandwiches, fruits and veggies, and, of course, pastries and sweets. The church will provide coffee, water, juice, milk, and paper products.

Let the good times roll as we enjoy some of this congregation's finest brunch items, visit, and offer our best wishes to the Chisham family as they begin their next chapter as Christ's ministers in Midland, Texas!

Please contact Vicki Krupala or 225-328-2461 to offer assistance with set-up on Saturday, August 7, or brunch needs on August 8.

Joys and Concerns

(New or updated prayer matters since our last full issue.)
  • Pam Culp, with continuing health concerns
  • Michael Rankin and Helen Rankin, battling non-COVID respiratory issues
  • Dora & Ron Blackburn on the loss of their grandson, Gary Lee Harper, Jr.

Senior Minister Search Outlined

A Note from Pam Jones, Board President

For those of you unfamiliar with the process, I wanted to make you aware of what to expect in these coming weeks and months as we transition from David to a new minister. There follows a summary of the steps we will go through, as a congregation:

Step One is Pulpit Supply
Basically, this consists of guest speakers who will preach on Sundays between David's departure and the arrival of an interim minister. I want you to know that we plan to mix things up a bit and bring in a variety of speakers. I encourage each of you to take advantage of this and pay attention to what these various speakers bring, what you like and dislike, etc., and please relay that information back to the Board so that we may take this into consideration as we interview potential candidates for the positions of both interim and permanent minister.

Step Two is an Interim Minister
The Interim Minister is hired by the Board and does not require a congregational vote. However, as indicated above, we welcome any input the congregation has on this matter. The Finance Committee will meet at the end of July and determine what we can offer in way of a salary package to an interim. Also, a few members of the Board will be writing up a description of what we are looking for in an interim minister. Both of these recommendations will be presented to the Board at the August meeting, and then the job will be posted with the Region office (grrdisciples.org). From there, we will consider and interview potential candidates until we have someone to whom we wish to extend an offer to serve as our Interim Minister.

Step Three is Search and Call
This is the most intense part of the process, not to mention that it is involved and can be lengthy, as this is the group tasked with both assessing the needs and strengths of our congregation, but also finding the best candidate to serve as our Senior Minister.

Our current vice-chair, Carol Madere, will serve as chair of the Search Committee. When we have the group formed, we will be sharing the names of those serving on the Search Committee.

Let Us Pray Together Throughout our Process
Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known to God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. — Philippians 4:5-7

Almighty God,

Look graciously upon us, the people of First Christian Church, Baton Rouge, and grant us the guidance of your Holy Spirit as we seek an Interim Minister, and a new Senior Minister for this congregation.

Grace us with continuous direction and inspire us, so that we find the Interim Minister who will help us prepare for our next Senior Minister.

Give us discernment, wisdom, and confidence in your timing, and guide the members of our Search Committee, as they labor to be faithful in seeking your will.

And we pray for the life of our congregation; that we may continue to be strengthened in our mission, care, and love - for one another as well as all those within our reach - and that we may be blessed with mutual trust and respect, courage and foresight, as you shepherd us through this journey.

All this we ask in the name of your Son our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

In case you missed it –

First Christian Caller - July 14, 2021

First Christian Caller - July 14, 2021

First Christian Caller - June 30, 2021

FCC Caller 30 Jun 2021
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