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Wednesday, July 7, 2021

2021 0711 Wide Theme Slide

This Sunday at First Christian Church

Rev. Dr. David Chisham begins a closer look at Paul's letter to church in Ephesus, as they establish their church with reminders of their mission and focus.

Our Sunday worship is at 10:00 a.m. in the church sanctuary - and livestreamed to our website, Facebook, and YouTube channel. We hope to "see" you there! Check in, and follow the service bulletin, here.

With increased immunity and vaccination rates in our in-person congregation, we are reducing the area of mask-required zones in the sanctuary. Please follow the signage, considering your own immunity and risk factors in selecting your choice of seating.

To join services online, click one of the buttons below for your favorite platform:
Adult study of the sermon and scripture references is held immediately following the service (about 11:15 a.m.). Gather in the church library or via Zoom.

Our condolences go to …

… the family of the Rev. Monte Gravenstein, and all those who mourn. Rev. Gravenstein was senior minister at FCC in the early 1980s. His daughter Pam shared the news with us that her father, at 85 years old, passed away on June 29, 2021. His obituary is available, here.

The GRR Dwight Bailey Institute of Learning is launched!

Rev. Dwight K. Bailey was a beacon of love and service as a reconciling body of believers in the Great River Road region, and through a generous contribution, the Institute is launched in response to the GRR Future Story: Develop transformational clergy leaders who foster good collegial relationships and teach other, and resource congregational program life.

The fall, spring, and summer semester programs (in four series - Lay Leadership, Spiritual Formation, Technology, and The Bailey Series, of four classes each) will cost about $15, and will all be offered online, generally of an evening.

As part of the summer launch, however, two Saturday sessions will be offered this summer, at no cost: (1) Anti-Racism/Pro-Reconciliation Story Sharing Experiences will be facilitated by Rev. Donald Warren of FCC, Stuttgart, Arkansas, and Rev. Dr. Laurie Pound Feille, Sr. Minister of FCC, Minneapolis, Minnesota, on Saturday, July 17, from 10 a.m. 'til 2 p.m.

More information and registration for the July 17 course is available here.

Joys and Concerns

(New or updated prayer matters since our last full issue.)
  • Jeffrey Judice in his continuing health concerns
  • Tina Mazer's family in their grief (Jeff Week's sister-in-law's sister)

In case you missed it –

First Christian Caller - June 30, 2021

FCC Caller 30 Jun 2021

First Christian Caller - June 16, 2021

First Christian Caller - June 16, 2021
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