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Lusting for Money

Lust for money brings trouble and nothing but trouble . Going down that path, some lose their footing in the faith completely and live to regret it bitterly ever after. (1 Timothy 6:10, MSG)

It might surprise you to know that the Bible is relatively value neutral when it comes to wealth. Yes, there are plenty of warnings about the dangers of being rich, but in the end the Bible is less concerned about money than it is about what happens to us when we have it or when we don't. The money itself is not the issue -- we are.

The passage above is often misquoted: "Money is the root of all evil". The problem is that money is not the root of all evil -- " the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil" (NRSV). We don't need many stories to confirm the truth in that statement. We have all known people who, in the pursuit of wealth alone, have left a wake of disaster behind their choices. The same can be said of corporations that, in the sole interest of the bottom line, have made decisions that disrupt lives and even harm the environment. Any company that chooses a strategy where lawsuits related to harm caused are less expensive than fixing the problem falls into this category. Think Erin Brockovich.

When money alone becomes our desire, all other relationships suffer collateral damage, including our relationship with God. Wealth is like the splitting of the atom. Harnessed and contained it can power our homes. Unleashed without constraint, it can destroy our planet.

I particularly like The Message author Eugene Peterson's choice of lust over love in his translation because it suggests the corruption of something meant for good -- a poignant and appropriate thought.

For Focus and Reflection: What one thing can I do today that shows money is not my true love?

Prayer: In your mercy, help me to handle money with care. Amen.

Community of Prayer Stewardship Devotional
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