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Wednesday, March 17, 2021


Our Journey through Lent

Rev. David Chisham focuses on the journey Jesus took, this Sunday. Our worship service is at 10:00 a.m. in the church sanctuary - and livestreamed to our website, Facebook, and YouTube channel. We hope to "see" you there! Check in, and follow the service bulletin, here.

Please continue to follow social distancing and masking guidelines throughout your day, and particularly in the church campus rooms for Sunday worship or classes. We're all growing weary of this, yet need to respect and support each other in keeping safe!

To join services online, click one of the buttons below for your favorite platform:

Sunday Class for Adults

Dak McInnis facilitates the Adult Sunday class that is meeting both in person in the church library and via Zoom, immediately following the Sunday morning worship service (about 11:15 a.m.).

Thank you …

for your generous response to the Week of Compassion special offering call. FCCBRLA offerings totaled $2,337.17.

Joys and Concerns

(New or updated prayer matters since our last full issue.)
  • Jody Chrisope
  • Sherry McInnis
  • Gladys Runnels
  • the families of Jim Boudreaux, Billy Cummings, and Davis Rhorer, in their grief
  • Patricia Cornelius, friend of Pam Jones
  • Alyssa Russell, niece of Brenda & Jerry Hilgendorf

A remembrance from Lents past

Written by Helen Rankin, Wednesday, March 4, 1987

What Does Lent Mean to Me?

As I reflect on past years of what Lent has meant to me, my first recollection is of high school days. Most of my friends were Catholic. On Ash Wednesday they would leave school at lunch hour, go to mass and come back with a black smudge on their forehead. As a part of the "group" I became a good "Catholic" and went to mass also!

Then I think about the night I knelt at the altar of First Methodist Church. The lights were very dim. The only light that was on was the light that formed a cross high on the wall above the altar. That night I gave my life to Christ for the first time.

Another memory is the year I had been attending a Church of God. Just before the Lenten season started, the women of the church were asked to make little ditty bags for distribution to members the Sunday before Lent started. We were to put one piece of silver (nickel, dime, quarter) in the bag each day during Lent. There was a service where every one brought their bag of silver to the altar to give 40 pieces of silver "back" to the Lord.

My most recent memory of Lent is two years ago. Palm Sunday I was unable to attend church because I was having pains which I thought were labor pains. That night Michael Seth was born. My doctor released me from the hospital about 6:00 in the evening on Maundy Thursday. By the time I got packed up and got Michael dressed and ready to leave the hospital it was just about time for services to start here at First Christian. It was very important for me to be there. My mother had just died less than three weeks prior and this was of utmost importance to me to be in service that first Easter time.

As I walked forward I realized as the people were taking communion, I would receive communion from a close personal friend, someone we had selected to be our baby's godfather. Indirectly Michael received his first communion, as I was nursing him. As I look back over my life today I can say, "You've come a long way baby." I must not end this without giving my Lord all the thanks and glory He deserves for giving His life for me; as well as for you. I rededicate my life to Him again. Won't you do the same?


In case you missed it –

First Christian Caller EXTRA - 17 Mar 2021


First Christian Caller - March 10, 2021

First Christian Caller - March 10, 2021
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