Advent & Christmas 2020

Advent and Christmas this year will be full of tradition, and yet, not quite like any we have known in our lifetimes.

Help us be a season that can warm the heart, or help re-ignite the flame that has gone to ember.

December Drive-in Prayer Service

Starting Sunday, December 6 through Sunday, December 20, we offer a Sunday morning chapel-type service from 8:30-8:50 a.m. in the parking lot on the east (Airline Hwy.) side of the campus. We will have outdoor speakers, as well as radio transmitting, so whether you’re comfortable with sitting in a lawn chair just outside your vehicle, or you (or the weather!) suggests you stay in your car and tune in on your radio, we hope you will consider joining us in the parking lot! We have missed seeing so many of you who are more strictly isolating, and hope this special service may help keep us better connected during these time.

Christmas Eve Service SURVEY

How do you want to celebrate Christman 2020 with your church family? As we continue to fight increased spread of COVID-19, yet desire to join together in worship of the Christ Child, which of the following options is your preference?

  • Move our 5:30 service to drive-in style and maintain the 11:00 p.m. service in the sanctuary
  • Combine the two services into one, 7:00 p.m. drive-in service, with speakers as well as radio transmission of a joyful, Christmas hymn and carol-filled time of singing together, yet safely.

    Poinsettia Orders

    Ordering your poinsettia from First Christian Church shares the beauty with your congregational family, remembers or honors those you’d like listed, beautifies our worship area during the season, helps replenish our year-long floral fund, and you get to take a beautiful plant home, then, to enjoy! Sign up here! You can drop your check off in the offering plate, mail it to the church office, or give online, and just note your online payment so we can reconcile with your listing.

      I'm putting check in offering plate.I'm putting a check in the mail.I'm paying online.

      For your Christmas shopping list: